Music Monster Classes

Learning to make music is a wonderful opportunity for growth throughout life. And the best way to reap all the rewards associated with music is to start early. Our very special music classes are for little musicians 2-5 years old. 



What to expect

Music Monsters take your child on a magic music journey during 40 minute weekly classes at your center. Our play-based group classes promote learning with puppets, magic and costumes.


Visit our website anytime throughout the year and select your center from list.


Your Teacher will send you welcome information and collect your child from their classroom that week for their first class.


Each week you will receive information about the week’s class, ideas to extend learning at home and from time to time photos of your music monster in class.


Each week you will be directly debited the $15 class fee from your nominated account. You are free to enroll or enroll anytime throughout the year.


Pitch and Solfege

The highness or lowness of a sound is called ‘pitch’. Many of the songs Music Monsters uses have just two or three pitches (generally So & Mi). This makes it easy for even very young children to become aware of the pitches, to distinguish between ‘high’ and ‘low’, and to use movements to show the two. 

Through lots of singing and listening they also become aware of their own pitch and whether it matches what others around them are singing. Once the children understand the pitches they are singing, they can learn the solfa names for them (do, re mi etc.)


The loudness and softness of a sound is called dynamics. Dynamics give feeling and expression to a musical work. Teaching dynamics to children at an early age instills a sense of dynamic range early on, and gives them the terminology needed to understand how to perform a musical work.


Music Monsters focuses on hearing and making music however we understand that some of our little musicians are capable and ready to learn a little music theory also. Music theory can sometimes have a reputation for being a bit boring and difficult, but not at Music Monsters. We incorporate basic music theory through games and stories often identifying notes as characters in our class.


Music Monster teachers nurture confidence and uniqueness in a supportive and non-competetive environment. Research shows that children who sing/dance/act/play their little hearts out are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement compared with their non-performing friends. One of the best things kids discover is how to think on their feet.


Improvisation is essential to the Orff approach. As frightening as improvisation seems to be to adults, it is freeing to children. No rules! The teacher sets up boundaries in which the child can create his or her own rhythm, melody, or dance.

Music Memory

An important musical skill is the ability to remember the tunes and rhythms of songs and rhymes. Children are able to learn and recall rhymes and songs, to recognise a rhyme or song from its hummed melody or tapped rhythm, and to identify similar features in different rhymes and songs such as Twinkle twinkle little star and the Alphabet song.

Singing and Tonal Processing

Singing is inclusive, free, joyful, sociable and accessible to everyone, it immediately makes all children music-makers. Most importantly, it engages the inner hearing; to sing a note, you must first hear it inwardly. 

Music Monster classes create positive singing experiences for all children so they can continue to sing unselfconsciously and joyfully through adulthood. All children can be taught to sing and develop their pitch accordingly.


Rhythm is the pattern of long and short sounds in music; in a rhyme or song it is the sound pattern made by the words. Sometimes rhythm is the hardest part to learn, basically it is any type of activity requiring that children coordinate sound and vibration with movement. Music Monsters use simple percussion instruments, body percussion songs and games following predictable sequences of developmental movements to enhance a child’s rhythmic ability. Research has shown a child’s capacity for rhythmicity and timing helps to build the foundation for his emotional and intellectual development.


Percussion instruments provide an easy and fun way to introduce pre-schoolers to rhythms and beats. Small hand drums, rhythm sticks, wood blocks, or shakers are perfect instruments for tiny musicians since they can experiment with rhythm and improve fine-motor skills at the same time.


At Music Monsters we refer to the beat as the heart beat of music. The ability to recognise and perform the beat is perhaps the most fundamental musical skill. The best way to understand beat is to perform it in many ways: clapping, actions, stamping, walking and so on. Children learn to perform the pulse of a rhyme or song with learned or improvised actions, perhaps using a puppet, or to walk or clap the pulse as part of a game.

Teaching Philosophy

Music Monster is developed on the fundamentals of Kodaly and Orff. 

Over a long career Kodaly developed a radical new approach to music teaching, based on a number of fundamental principles: Music is for everyone, music skills can be taught, and every child can learn them. No child should ever be told that he or she cannot sing. Taught correctly, all children can develop their ability to pitch accurately. 


Orff learning is based on things children naturally like to do such as sing, chant rhymes, dance, clap, etc. These instincts are directed into learning music by hearing and making music first, then reading and writing it later. This is the same way we all learn our native language. A key characteristic of this approach is that lessons are presented with an element of play, which helps the children learn at their own level of understanding.

Teaching Philosophy

Music Monster is developed on the fundamentals of Kodaly and Orff. 

Over a long career Kodaly developed a radical new approach to music teaching, based on a number of fundamental principles: Music is for everyone, music skills can be taught, and every child can learn them. No child should ever be told that he or she cannot sing. Taught correctly, all children can develop their ability to pitch accurately. 


Orff learning is based on things children naturally like to do such as sing, chant rhymes, dance, clap, etc. These instincts are directed into learning music by hearing and making music first, then reading and writing it later. This is the same way we all learn our native language. A key characteristic of this approach is that lessons are presented with an element of play, which helps the children learn at their own level of understanding.

Contact Music Monsters 


Red Hill


0451 160 189



M-F: 8am-5pm